Audio-Visual, Automation, Control4, Technology

There are a variety of ways to pipe music around the twenty-first century home. You could get a massive boombox, crank it to 11, and stand in your foyer all John Cusack Say Anything style. You could snag a bunch of cheap clock radios on Amazon, carefully tune them all to the same station and volume, and then enjoy some sweet (and nostalgic!) FM as you move about the house. You could carefully scatter Bluetooth speakers in different rooms and then play a fun little technology game called “How far is 33 feet away?” Or you could go with a professionally designed and installed audio system carefully crafted to maximize the performance for each listening area.

10 Ways a Smart Lighting System can Enhance the Kitchen and Bath

Automation, Control4, lighting, Wireless

So much happens in the kitchen and bath that it’s often difficult to have the lights at the right intensity levels at all times. When you’re cooking, you need the lights brighter; lower when you sit down to eat. As you apply makeup or shave, you’ll want the lights bright, but when you’re unwinding in a hot bath at the end of the day, an intensity level that mimics candlelight is apropos.

In the past, we’ve relied on dimmer switches to adjust the intensity levels of the lights. While this approach still works well, smart lighting products have introduced a whole new level of convenience and control to the management of home lighting. Plus, these solutions are so much more cosmetically pleasing than the switches of yesteryear.


Building And Construction, Control4, smart, Technology

Our homes are our dwellings, where we spend a large portion of our time enjoying the subtle aspects of life with our friends and family. It is where we sleep, unwind, and relish down-time with our kin. But you just never know if someone is lurking around your neighborhood with bad intentions. And another concern is the possibility of property damage from leaking pipes, fires, and many other unexpected incidents. There are a multitude of options that can go a long way to keeping your property and family safe and your sanity intact.

2018 Predictions for IoT and Smart Home

Audio-Visual, Building And Construction, Control4, lighting, Security, smart, Technology

The idea of a smart home aims to facilitate its owners with security, comfort, and convenience. With the help of an automated system, you can easily control all your devices by your smartphone. You might as well schedule on/off lights, shut off your curtains and monitor your home even if you are far away.

IoT for Good: How the Internet of Things is Transforming Our World for the Better

Building And Construction

It’s a small world. It’s also an increasingly hot, crowded and contentious one. The double wallop of climate change and society’s own impact on the earth’s atmosphere are intensifying struggles over natural resources while also threatening our infrastructure, food systems and quality of life.

Technology Will Change the Future of Professional Sports!

smart, sport

Instead of the stairs, you use an elevator to get to your office. You work on your desktop computer or laptop and use a smartphone. You use your credit card to pay for lunch. Technology became gradually part of our life, so it is normal that professional sports also started to exploit its possibilities.

Samsung Unveils 146-inch MicroLED TV Dubbed ‘The Wall’

Audo-Visual, smart
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. has introduced “The Wall,” a self-emitting MicroLED 146-inch TV display that can be customized to any size, resolution or form factor.  “The Wall,” with MicroLED and self-emitting technology, replaces color filters with micrometer (µm) scale LEDs, which are much smaller than current LEDs, and serve as their own source of light.

With a module-based, bezel-less design, “The Wall” can be customized to any size and shape.


Automation, lighting, Security, smart

The truth is, everyone wants a smart-home! Smart homes have indeed come to stay. The question however is, are smart homes just luxurious toys for the rich or  a bare neccesity in modern homes? We have also found out people do not exactly understand what these terms really mean and how it can apply to their home experience. To answer these questions, we sat with Kehinde Awoyinfa, the Business Development Manager at Woodstock Electronics (WSE) Limited and explored this topic in more detail.